Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Wonderful Roommates - oh and also, I am a giant.

Just wanted the world to know what beautiful, wonderful, kind, perfect, supportive, loving, and classy people I have in my life. These are "my girls" and I love them.

These are also my best friends. Aren't they pretty?

Last night we went out to The Standard which is right next to our house on Friant & Fort Washington. I've been there a few times and have enjoyed it but last night was FABULOUS. I've never seen the place so packed.

In humorous typical Marisa fashion, I spent the entire night being the tallest person in the room! My cute new platform Guess by Marciano heels are 5" which actually makes me 6 feet tall (I'm 5'7") I actually believe I asked everyone I talked to if it made them uncomfortable that I'm a giant. HA! Guys and girls together being so itty bitty leaves me with legs of steel I tell you. Ever spent two hours doing squats and lunges? That's pretty much what it's like when you are a giant and you want to talk to or dance with or take pictures with all the miniature people in this town!

I have been sick though, so I was happy they close early (I think they close at 1am... it used to be midnight, but now it's 1..? I suppose I should pay more attention to detail here, but whatever... it's not 2am I know that much)

Anyways, it's time for bed. Make sure you look at the next post to view my Kentucky Derby Day pictures too!


Anonymous May 7, 2009 at 6:58 AM  

Dear Marisa;

I have seen the photos. I have studied them thoroughly.

I wish to submit to you now that your roommates ARE pretty.

However, you, as the intimidating tower of amazonian stunnerhot, clearly take the prize.

Your hair is impeccable. Your face is a combination of beauty and perfection. Your fashion style is wonderous. Legs long and luxurious. Hands a delight to behold, artist-hands mixed with sensitivity inherent.

Sweet turn of the ankle. Bold statement with the heels.

But those curved-out toes!?

Heh. I guess every woman has to have something nerdycute about her.


oneheavenlyheart May 7, 2009 at 8:51 AM  

We won't get into all the reasons I don't believe a word you said, but I would like to state that my toes are straight.

You stand in 5" heels and see if there's any pressure on YOUR feet.


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