Saturday, March 28, 2009

All in a Saturday's Work...

Well, everyone loves pictures so I'll make this short and sweet.

I've been craving eggs benedict for some reason and I was feeling adventurous! So today I decided to attempt to make it! I'm so stinkin' proud of myself. It was DELICIOUS!! I lightly sauteed some spinach with garlic olive oil and salt, added a little tomato and avocado, and viola! We won't talk about the egg poaching part. I tried to do it old school and let's just gracefully say it wasn't perfect. Still edible though and damn good! Feast your eyes...

After running a million errands - yes ONE MILLION - I met my parents at Campagnias for dinner. Tomorrow is their 22nd anniversary. Then we went back to their house for cake and festivities. Here's a picture of the happy family:

That big box on the left has a Margaritaville in it! Umm, guess who's gonna be hanging out at her parents A LOT more now! ha ha ha

And just for posterity's sake, here's a pic of my brother and I. Mostly because I am SO not cool to him and had to force him to take the picture. His resistance means the entire world now has to look at us together.


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