Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No mans land...

Most people know a woman's obsession with her handbag. I am all woman. While childless, let me introduce you to my first born. I have NO problem fighting you TO.THE.DEATH for her.

The contents of a woman's purse are usually pretty private, but I think it's time we get personal :)

This is my baby, Burberry.

Since it's slightly overflowing, you can see (from left to right)

1) My Furla sunglasses. COOL!
2) My 2nd born, my iPhone which is always with me
3) My handy canvas bag. I got these cute portable ones at Sur la Table and I love it!

I don't know where to start with the rest of this junk, but I now know why my bag s so heavy.

1) Although I've never used it, I have my passport.
2) Ok, being a woman, I have a handy compartment for the emergency tampon and panty liner... moving on...
3) Comb, compact, random key that I don't know what it goes to, floss, and of course a portable USB drive in keeping with my Nerd Contract.
4) a STACK of credit cards, gift cards, and discount/club cards (See the horror below)
5) Gum and cute box of mints
6) Quick quiz, how many things of lipstick, lip gloss, and chap stick can you count? I count 9 (In case you didn't know, there are 3 more lip glosses inside the black Chanel box)
7) My work name badge, a handy pen, a hair band, my iPhone headphones, my work keys, and spare safety pins
8) Can you find my trusty iPhone bluetooth?
9) My matching Burberry wallet (Somehow this makes me extra proud) and my checkbook with works mission statement on a business card so I can see it.

SO, now are we up close and personal or what?


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