Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Unstable fixations - Part 2 - HARMAR!!

Have you ever watched that show, The Dog Whisperer?  He always talks about the dogs being "unstable" when they fixate on things like your vacuum cleaner.  Is it weird when you're the human, but you fixate on your dog? WHOA - I should do drugs and totally trip out on that one.


Anyways, I could ramble on and on (That post is coming) but pictures are so much easier and as much as it hurts me that you don't hang on my every word, I need to remind myself that the world needs more pictures of the cutest dog on earth.

Therefore, it's like, pretty much, my fiduciary responsibility to oblige.




(Oh My God - THE SHAME)
I'm sorry, I don't even do the Christmas thing, but this is priceless!


Travis Sheridan December 1, 2009 at 11:08 PM  

That guy is too edging cute...if I had a uterus, it would ache.

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