Thursday, February 4, 2010

You want some of deez nutz...?

What's the lyrics to that Ice Cube song?
You must notta dun good on Fear Factor
Cuz you couldn't eat deez nutz
Big as a tractor...

I know, I know, I'm a closet hard core 90's gangster. LOL Whatever.  Part of my personal betterment always involves diet. I'm trying to drink water UGH UGH and also eat better. I really just believe in balance. I try to cook pure and fresh most of the time and substitute my massive chip/carb cravings with a more natural substitute.

Normally, I would say I count calories (cuz I kinda do) and nuts are high in calories, but I give myself a pass because I've now switched to raw and unsalted nuts. Boring? YES! Tasty? NO! BUT, I can experience the pleasure and process of eating MORE.  I feel like if something is 100% natural and pure you can eat as much of it as you like and it doesn't count. Like broccoli or avocado. MMM

What's up with the Brazil nut though? That sucker IS as big as a tractor! Those are my favorites. The filberts, on the other hand, can suck it! I throw them STRAIGHT in the trash *shivers* pew pew no no.

Oh, and I made the most delicious Chick'n Caccitore Stew on Monday. So simple, and fresh, and YUMMY! I'll try to get the recipe up on One Heavenly Kitchen soon. I've been terrible about finishing my videos. I'll get back into it soon, I promise.
Anyways, that's what I've been up to!


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