Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good Ole Twenty-Ten

I guess I'm sort of a symbolic person. I do like to do new years resolutions. I reflect on the past year and try to get myself in the right mindset for the upcoming year.

Most people say they gave up on setting them because they never keep them. Well, I'm not too worried about that as half of these I started before 2010, but I want to post them here to help keep me accountable to them.

My resolutions for 2010 are:

1) Have 75% lung capacity by June (Last checkup was 53%)
2) Be in good shape by July (So I can wear a really inappropriate bikini!)
3) Read 2 books (Books towards my personal betterment)
4) Practice stillness - think before you talk & act
5) Be kinder to my mom (I've been a little rough on her - she's a good mom)
6) Watch less TV
7) Go to bed earlier and be to work on time

Nothing too crazy or impossible like giving up soda or anything like that. Just need to be steady eddy about going to the gym and with the TV off I'll be able to read more and go to be earlier and hopefully not be so tired and grumpy so I can be nicer to the good ole mom.


JohnJayJay January 4, 2010 at 8:16 PM  

"Be kinder to my mom" You would go and say that...sigh. OK, me too...

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